423 research outputs found

    Voltage stacking for near/sub-threshold operation

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    Behaviour of Market Arrivals and Prices of Selected Vegetable Crops: A Study of Four Metropolitan Markets

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    This study has been undertaken with the twin objectives of examining the variability pattern of market arrivals and prices of selected vegetable crops (cabbage, cauliflower, tomato and peas) in metropolitan markets of Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Kolkata and analysing the relationship between market arrivals and prices. The study is based on market arrivals and wholesale prices of different vegetable crops collected from the Azadpur market of Delhi and Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), New Delhi, for the period 1990-2001. The study has shown that the extent of variability in the arrivals of cabbage was lower in Bangalore and higher in Mumbai. The prices were relatively stable in Mumbai but were more volatile in Bangalore. There was broadly a similar pattern in the price variability across different months in Kolkata and Delhi markets. For cauliflower, the variability in the market arrivals was more pronounced in Kolkata than the remaining three markets. The price variability was, however, more marked in Delhi. The extent of variability in the market arrivals of tomato across different months was very high in all the four markets. Likewise, while the maximum variability in the prices of peas was noted for Delhi, these were relatively less marked in Bangalore. The results of the study have confirmed the negative relationship between market arrivals and prices in terms of correlation coefficients over the years and across months in all the four metropolitan markets, though there were several instances of positive relationship.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Role of Semiconductors in Solar Energy

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    The sun generates solar energy, which is non-depleting, renewable, and environmentally friendly. Every hour, enough sunlight energy strikes the earth to supply the world's an-nual energy demand. In today's generation, electricity was required every hour. Solar energy is used for a wide range of applications, including industrial, commercial, and residential. It may easily obtain energy from direct sunshine. As a result, it is extremely efficient while also being environmentally friendly. We looked at the energy obtained from sunshine in this piece, as well as future trends and challenges. Furthermore, the essay tries to explore societal energy functions, energy production, photovoltaics, con-centrated solar power (CSPs), solar cell efficiency, fuel generation, and semiconductor roles

    Study on Design and Simulation of Temperature Control System

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    Temperature control system is a complicated process which maintains the temperature in a particular defined area to a certain maxima or minima level. In recent times, we are witnessing a rapid growth in industries at global level which has led to globalization and industrialization which further has led the necessary use of the temperature control system and its application in these industries at day-to-day level in manufacturing and maintenance with the increase in the greenhouse effect and depletion of ozone layer. Many factories always maintain a certain area or say a section of operation in their infrastructure that must maintain a range of temperature for process to work successfully. The laboratories of research uncertainly sometimes lack in the use of temperature control system which has further necessitated the use of large chambers of different sizes to perform specific temperature related re-search work which further led to the increase in the cost of re-search work. In certain spe-cific areas there are lot of electronic activities happening or some machinery function like in the server rooms or the area where production plant is, so basically these places work constantly for 24hrs and during the whole day the temperature has to be monitored precisely and frequently so that it can be ensured that the temperature do not instantly rise or fall below the marked temperature which may lead to the acceleration of wearing and tearing of whole system. Living rooms, hospitals, malls, aircrafts etc., are also one of the most important places where monitoring of temperature is required so as to ensure that the thermal comfort is ensured, and thermal comfort here means that the state of mind which feels satisfied with the temperature in the present environment. This is im-portant because if there will be any dissatisfaction with the thermal environment then it can cause the body to be too warm or too by unwanted heating and unwanted cooling of the equipment may further lead to the functional disbalance

    Smart Environmental Health Monitoring System

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    Pollution is a growing issue these days. It is necessary to analyze environment and keep ichecking for the best future and healthy life. We proposed an Environment Monitoring System that permit us to watch & check live environment in especially areas through Internet of Things (IOT). IoT supports a realtime environmental monitoring system. It plays a crucial role in today’s world through a huge and protracted system of sensor networks concerned to the environment & its parameters. This technique monitors important environmental conditions like temperature, humidity & CO-level using the sensor & then transfer data to the web page. This information is often accessed from anyplace over the internet & then the sensor information is presented as graphical statistics during mobile application. This paper explains & present the implementation & outcome of this environmental system uses the sensors for temperature, humidity, air quality & different environmental parameters of the surrounding space. This data is often used to take remote actions to regulate the conditions. Information is pushed to the distributed storage & android app get to the cloud & present the effect to the end users. The system employs a Node MCU, DHT-11 sensor, MQl35 sensor, which transmits data to WEBPAGE. An Android application is made which accesses the cloud data and displays results to the end users. The sensors interact with microcontroller which processes this information & transmit it over internet. This system is best method for any use in monitoring the environment and handling it because everything is controlled automatically through all the time of the process. The results of this system tells across different field where it was controlled precisely and effectively which further explains that this system easily makes our work easier because of this automatic monitoring system worries about other unexpected climate issues for world

    A Novel Approach to IoT Based Smart Car

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    A rising number of novice rash drivers, indiscreet driving, and postponed admittance to emergency treatment to casualties has been a significant reason for passings. Instances of provocation, burglary in taxis are ascending with additional individuals utilizing cur-rent taxi administrations. Driver weariness checking, mishap anticipation measures, GPS-based area and closest clinic ready, savvy slowing mechanisms, brilliant airbags, and so forth are a portion of the highlights presently executed in a couple of the very good quality  extravagance level vehicles. There hasn't been an expense proficient model produced for the low-end financial plan vehicles. It is vital to give open wellbeing measures in the vehicle to limit the endanger of death toll. This undertaking plans to foster an expense productive brilliant vehicle framework that can assist with helping not many of the causes. This research paper is written to take care for all such things and come up with a novel idea

    Assessment of serum lipid profile in early pregnancy and its relation with pre eclampsia: a prospective study

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    Background: Pathophysiology of pre eclampsia and atherosclerosis seems to be similar as a hyperlipidemic state, due to hormonal changes in pregnancy. We tried to assess the relationship between maternal plasma lipid concentration and risk of developing pre eclampsia.Methods: This is a prospective cohort study, for a period of one year from August 2009 to August 2010. Total no of subjects (N=270) were divided into two groups: Control group:  who remained normotensive during study and Study group: who developed pre-eclampsia.Results: The mean level of cholesterol in study group was (226.74±39.77 mg/dl) significantly higher as compared to control group (164±22.48 mg/dl). That was statistically significant (p=0.001). Mean levels of cholesterol in mild PET group was 216±28.90mg/dl and in severe PET group was 252.3±50.63 mg/dl respectively, that was also significantly higher as compared to control group (p=0.001). In our study mean levels of Triglyceride was 153.95±23.52 mg/dl in control group and 205.25±42.48 mg/dl in study group. There were statistically significant difference between the groups (p=0.001). In mild PET mean value of Triglyceride was 198.99±36.12 mg/dl and in severe PET it was 220.35± 53.13mg/dl. It was seen that both the study group had significantly higher mean value as compared to control group (p=0.001).Conclusions: In present study we have observed that maternal dyslipidemia in early second trimester is associated with increased risk of developing pre eclampsia. So dyslipidemia in early second trimester is a very good predictor of pre eclampsia

    Clinical profile of patients with cutaneous disorders

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    Background: 50-75% of all the patients who are on dialysis suffer from significant xerosis. But the exact cause is difficult to trace. Acquired ichthyosis is seen in some patients. Atrophy of sebaceous glands is seen in patients with uraemia. Such patients also show overall decrease in sweet volume. Objective was to study the clinical profile of patients with cutaneous disorders.Methods: A hospital based prospective study was carried out from September 2012 to February 2013 at a tertiary care centre of Late Baliram Kashyap memorial government medical college, Jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh, India. A total of 50 patients with cutaneous disorders were studied with respect to their clinical profile. Patients not willing to participate in the present study as per the protocol were excluded from the study. But patients giving their willingness to participate in the present study as per the protocol of the study were included in the study.Results: The males constituted 58% of the total cases and the females constituted 42% of the total cases. Maximum patients were seen in the fourth and fifth decade of their life i.e. 24% followed by the age group of 31-40 years i.e. 22%. The most common cutaneous manifestation was pruritus in 24% of cases followed by xerosis in 16% of cases. Next most common cutaneous manifestation was Tinea versicolor inn 14% of cases followed by oral candidiasis in 8% of cases and scabies were seen in 6% of cases. Both among males and females, pruritus was the most common skin lesion seen.Conclusions: The most common cutaneous lesion found in the present study was pruritus in 24% of cases followed by xerosis (16%), Tinea versicolor (14%), oral candidiasis (8%) and scabies in 6% of cases. Cases of nail changes, herpes zoster, Tinea cruris, hyper pigmentation, folliculitis, Exfoliative dermatitis, and Kyrle’s disease, Vitiligo, Melisma and Keloid were also seems

    SMDDH: Singleton Mention detection using Deep Learning in Hindi Text

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    Mention detection is an important component of coreference resolution system, where mentions such as name, nominal, and pronominals are identified. These mentions can be purely coreferential mentions or singleton mentions (non-coreferential mentions). Coreferential mentions are those mentions in a text that refer to the same entities in a real world. Whereas, singleton mentions are mentioned only once in the text and do not participate in the coreference as they are not mentioned again in the following text. Filtering of these singleton mentions can substantially improve the performance of a coreference resolution process. This paper proposes a singleton mention detection module based on a fully connected network and a Convolutional neural network for Hindi text. This model utilizes a few hand-crafted features and context information, and word embedding for words. The coreference annotated Hindi dataset comprising of 3.6K sentences, and 78K tokens are used for the task. In terms of Precision, Recall, and F-measure, the experimental findings obtained are excellent


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    ABSTRACTObjective: This study is focused on the brief review on the meiosis, ethnobotany and cultivation practices of Allium carolinianum (Family: Alliaceae)from District Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.Methods: The local inhabitants were interviews for concerning utilization of this medicinal plant. For meiotic studies the young unopened buds werefixed in carnoy's fixative, anthers were squashed in 2% acetocarmine. A number of freshly prepared slides were examined for chromosome countsand meiotic abnormalities. Pollen fertility was examined using glyceroacetocarmine (1:1). Photomicrographs were made using Nikon 80i EclipseMicroscope.Results: The present tetraploid chromosome count was in line with the previous report, but the behavioral changes and the medicinal importance ofthe plant were reported for the first time from the study area.Conclusion: At present, the biodiversity of Kinnaur is threatened by the continuous removal of plant species for various purposes. Hence, the effortsshould be made through cultivation practices for the conservation of the medicinal plants.Keywords: Morphometric analysis, Meiosis, Ethnobotany, Cultivation, Allium carolinianum, District Kinnaur
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